Our multi-page sensor video brochures play a new video automatically each time you turn a page.
They are the most creative and high-end tech-in-print marketing products available today.
Video brochures are a game-changer for businesses to deliver creativity to connect with their audiences.
Video content has the power to tell an engaging story, drawing your customers in.. They feel they are valued by receiving this dynamic gift, they will immerse themselves in the visual impact of Cushion Video Brochures, creating brand loyalty.
This versatile marketing tool enables you to have the best of both worlds: A video screen with enough space to add copy and images too.
Just some of the applications you can u
se Cushion Video Brochures for:-
1. Promotions
2. Press releases
3. Direct mail
4. Target marketing
5. Brand identification
6. Luxury invites
7. VIP mailings
8. Direct marketing
9. Events and exhibitions
Our friendly customer service is always available to help with your video books and much more... We will take the hassle out of designing and printing and make your life as stress free as possible.
Contact us on 0115 961 6060. www.cushionvideobrochures.co.uk
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